Knauf PFT Knauf PFT



The PFT brand is unique!

Just like the history of our successful company,
which began over 50 years ago with Knauf's Gipsomat department.
In October 1972, the department developed into an independent company:
PFT Putz- und Fördertechnik GmbH

Today, PFT stands for expertise that has grown over several generations,
with deep roots in the industry.

Join us for an exciting year full of events.

We would like to thank you in advance for 50 very happy years and look forward to those yet to come.

Follow us and don't miss any news on: Instagram & Facebook

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Our history

As a mechanical engineering company of the Knauf Group, we are celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2022.
When did PFT airless technology revolutionise the market?
Have PFT machines always been orange?
When was the PFT G 4 invented?

Lots of good questions!
The answers lie in our company history
Enjoy finding out more!

  • P.F.T.

    50 years of PFT

    Our PFT quality and the durability of our machines have made us a company with a global reputation. PFT machines are tirelessly in use in over 115
    countries around the world. With more than 450 sales and service centres, we are a reliable partner when it comes to productivity on construction sites worldwide. Our 200 employees ensure reliable and trouble-free use of machinery on the building site.
    Day after day. Year after year.

  • 50 years of PFT

    From the "RIVER" to the "BUILDING SITE"

    For many years, the PFT slogan was:
    And we are still doing that today:
    PFT machines and PFT employees are working tirelessly for you, to making labour conditions on construction sites worldwide as pleasant as possible thanks to the best possible machinery. To make sure we communicate this philosophy even more clearly to the world, in 2017 we developed the new PFT slogan:
    This allows us to express even more clearly that we are always working by your side - and on your tailored construction site solution.

PFT Personalities. Facts. Factual Reports

The PFT brand also means us - all the employees - who make up a large and therefore important part of the company!
But we would be nothing without you: our associates, partners, suppliers and customers.
Get to know the people behind the acronym PFT!
Over the course of our anniversary year, some of our associates, veterans and PFT newcomers will be introducing themselves here. Click to take a look.
Discover interesting stories, listen to funny anecdotes and embark on a fascinating journey through 50 years of PFT.

Anett Gessner | HBG Holzhausener Baugeräte mbh

Anett Gessner and her husband Hans are real PFT experts. In their small company HBG Holzhausener Baugeräte mbh everything revolves around the orange machines. In the video you can see how varied and multi-faceted the work as a PFT dealer is and what they wish PFT for its 50th anniversary.

Peter Diemel | Moog GmbH

Peter Diemel is responsible for PFT purchasing and sales at the Moog company in Paderborn. He appreciates the cheerful and constructive cooperation with our sales representative Oskar Buchhorn. Moog and PFT are also connected by a 49-year partnership. Mr Diemel is sure that we can continue to look forward to a positive future together. And they reveal one or two anecdotes in the video, so stay tuned.

Jens Kiel | Kurt König Baumaschinen GmbH

Jens Kiel started as a sales representative at Knauf PFT in 1999 and successfully looked after the federal state of Lower Saxony. Today he is sales manager for plastering technology at Kurt König Baumaschinen GmbH and is in close contact with his former PFT colleague Oskar Buchhorn, who is currently in charge of the area. In the video, you can find out what the two have to say about their joint collaboration and what advantages it has for Jens Kiel in his daily working life to have worked for PFT before.

Thomas Schöner | Stukk ABE eG

Thomas Schöner and his team at Stukk ABE in Nuremberg are devoted to the sale, repair and maintenance of PFT machines. In the interview, he explains to us why he and his team call themselves "machine freaks" and also reveals the secret of why the cooperation with PFT sales representative Oliver Iff works particularly well.

Frank Mayer | Theodor Wölpert GmbH & Co. KG

Frank Mayer is a service technician at Theodor Wölpert GmbH & Co. KG. Among other things, he is responsible for the sale and repair of PFT machines. What the 60-year-old particularly appreciates about the cooperation with PFT and what he wishes for the future of the company PFT, he reveals to us in the interview.

Leopold Brachat | PFT Purchasing

Until recently, Leopold Brachat was an apprentice industrial clerk - now he is the youngest member of PFT's purchasing department.
In an interview, he tells us how he perceives the working atmosphere at PFT, whether he would recommend the training as an industrial clerk and what is particularly important to him in his work as a young employee.

Peter Ragg | Kemmler Baustoffe Echterdingen GmbH

Peter Ragg is the managing director of Kemmler Baustoffe Echterdingen GmbH and has been successfully selling PFT machines for many years now.
In the video, he talks about the biggest appeal of his job and what role the company PFT in general and the G 4 plastering machine in particular play in this.

Cornelia Grein | Assistant to the PFT Management

Cornelia Grein is a true PFT veteran: She has been with the company for almost 43 years. During this time, the assistant to the business and sales management has enjoyed some exciting experiences. Find out what memories stand out and what she is particularly looking forward to in the company's anniversary year.

Celebrate with PFT! - Events

Join us for an exciting year full of events.
We present our anniversary events here:



Buy a PFT machine in 2022 and enjoy twice the benefit!


Happy birthday PFT

Celebrate with us!
We enjoy receiving your well wishes!
Send us your well wishes, brief messages or simply a cheery greeting with a picture or video.